Imago Dei Yoga

“Imago Dei Yoga” meets every Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 12:00-1:00 pm in the church sanctuary. No prior yoga experience is necessary. Wear comfortable clothing and bring your own yoga mat (a few mats are available to borrow if you don’t have one). All are welcome! Please enter through the East office door.

Colleen McKirdy, RYT-500 Certified Instructor

“Imago Dei Yoga” Intention Statement:

We seek wholeness for ourselves in body, mind, and spirit, and wholeness for our community, so that we may have a single purpose of carrying compassion to all those we meet.

We seek a quietness with, and connection to, God. We acknowledge that God is working in our lives and that God encourages us to express the divine in ourselves and in doing so, help others to find and express the divine in themselves.

We believe that we live in a community of compassionate God-seekers, who willingly participate in the giving and receiving of God’s gifts. We believe that yoga is a means of creating that community, and when we tap into God’s goodness, God may work through us to make a difference in the world.

June 15, 2020

June 8, 2020

May 25, 2020

May 18, 2020

May 11, 2020

May 4, 2020

April 27, 2020

April 20, 2020

April 13, 2020

April 6, 2020